2017 Top 5 Moments + 2018 Secret Project REVEALED!
Hey, Y'all!
I haven't been this excited AND nervous since I rebranded and dropped and in Sommary!
Okay, before we get into the secret project I am going to share with you my Top 5 Moments of 2017. Each category will reveal something different that happened over the last year. From the IG Post that y'all liked the most, literally, to my favorite message I consumed we are going to go through it all in no particular order. Without further ado let's start with #5!
#5. TOP IG
I was kind of surprised that this was my top, most liked IG post!
I just knew it was going to be something with The Mister & I. He gets all the likes when I post a picture with him. LOL! To give you a little background on this shot, my girl Ondia of @theondiaj, took this photo of me when we were in the airport back in August on our way to ATL for Myleik's live podcast recording. If you are not familiar with Myleik, head over to her IG @myleik and get ya life.
By the way, this was a great trip for us. It was the first time Ondia and I traveled together and that turned out great. We all know we can't travel with everybody! We made sure to maximize the hell out of that trip. We shot pics with Christopher Jamar Payne, went to Bar Taco (go if you're in ATL this year), shot photos of each other, went to the podcast recording and then went and had lunch with some pretty awesome women that kill it on their job daily.
Tip: When you travel this year definitely try to make the most of your trip without burning yourself out. Take photos with that photog you've been eyeing, eat at that restaurant you heard about. You'll be happy you did.
#4. Don't Find Your-
Self b
y Y
Let me say it again for the PEOPLE in the BACK.
If you don't have a tribe of 1 or more folks that can hold you accountable in 2018 then I need you to get you one or throw your whole year away. This is one of the things that single-handedly changed my 2017. I have a few groups that help me to stay on track. I have my business team/family, my accountability group and my blogger boos (pictured above. Shot by @willpowerphotos). My business family and I created our group in 2016 and my other two groups were created in 2017. As Issa Rae said, network across your peers. They are just as, if not more resourceful than those ranked above you.
Keep this in mind though. You have to be ready and open to having folks criticize you & love on you. They are not there to stroke your ego all day. You have to give them permission to lovingly provide feedback, keep it real with you and stretch you. I'm just saying, when 2 or more are gathered in HIS name, miraculous things occur. Believe me I have experienced it first hand.
AGE: GOD, Grace + Grit.
God is.
One of the messages that resonated with me was Sarah Jakes Roberts message called From Grace to Grit. I just watched it a week or so ago and it really helped me put my mindset for 2018 in to focus. God gives us grace over many situations but grit is what you use to repay him for the grace. She used the analogy, "Grace is God helping me overcome my addiction so Grit is me going to AA meetings."
Grit is the extra steps you take to ensure that the grace He bestowed upon you isn't wasted. This message made me feel like let me get my ish TO-GETH-A!
I look at it like this, if you were stuck in the middle of an ocean Grace is the life jacket but it takes Grit to swim to shore. Let that marinate for a sec.
She goes over a few other points about friends and stuff so check out the message below!
Date: 12.17.17 | One LA Church: "From Grace to Grit" - Sarah Jakes Roberts
#2. My FAV Outfit!
Hands down this is my fav outfit of 2017!
It is so sexy and comfortable. I rented this DVF number from Rent the Runway. Which is a great way to wear designer clothes on a budget!
This photo was shot in my hometown of Pittsburgh by my FAV photographer and friend, Mecca Gamble. Which reminds me that I need to set up our 2018 photoshoot. We do something better and better every year.
and now for the Secret Project Reveal.
#1. An Idea Was BORN!
First Of All,
who just scrolled all the way down to the end of this post to see what the secret project is?!
Tell the truth, shame the devil! LOL.
Lisssen, Real G's move in silence like Lasagna.
I have been sitting on this idea for a few months now and I'll tell you my team wanted me to wait to drop this in the Spring of 2018 and I just didn't feel right waiting that long.
At that moment I asked myself, "What would Beyonce' do?"
I felt like I had to drop it on y'all like a Beyonce's Visual Album!
When I say my team, I am speaking of my business partners/family/accountability groups. It was so hard not to share with everyone but I really wanted to do 2 things:
1) Show you better than I can tell you, and
2) Prove to myself that I can finish something.
Oftentimes I will busy myself with doing things for others and push my projects to the side. That can no longer happen nor be the case. If I want to elevate myself and my brand I have to find a balance. The first few months of the year I will be focusing on strengthening my discipline and consistency.
I'll probably do a post on this topic soon.
Back to the BLOGcast!
After I would write a blog post, I would ask my friends and family have they checked out my post the week? Many people told me that they didn't have time to read my blog post. Others would say they didn't have time to read it but they did have time to check out my photos.
Which is great and appreciated! This made me start to think. If some of my closest friends and family are having this issue then folks that are apart of my tribe (I'm working on a name for y'all) are probably having the same problem.
I just knew there had to be a way for me to make it easier for y'all to take in my content.
I will definitely talk to you guys through my newsletter which drops next week!
However, I knew there had to be another way. So, I racked my brain and came up with the idea to start an audio blog. It is literally the audio book verison of a blog. This way you can take in the content Wherever, Whenever and However it suits you. I will personally read my blog posts to you and add some extra nuggets in there because I typically can not help myself!
So now you will be able to read or listen to the blog and check out the photos here on the site.
The name, which my team helped me to come up with, is a fine marriage between two things I love. My blog and listening to podcasts! Whew, I am so excited.
However, often times we all know "there is nothing new under the sun." - adapted from Ecclesiastes 1:9
Right after we settled on the name BLOGcast we did our research to see if anyone has used it before and found that people have. The term has been used and somewhat defined however not many people use the phrase or share their blogs the way I plan to.
I just wanted to provide full transparency to you guys.
I am not going to lie, we were bummed out for a second. But then we remembered who our God is and often times it is not about who had the idea first. It is about what you do with a great idea and how do you create your own path!
Speaking of creating your own path, this project of mine is a great example of my word for 2018 which is DISRUPT!
I want to disrupt my industry, my life and help others think outside of the box and live fearlessly.
No more asking permission to live my best life.
This is our UNICORN year.
CHEERS to having a bada$$, DISRUPTIVE 2018!
Come ride with me.
What do y'all think of The BLOGcast!?
What did you like?
How can I improve it?
Comment below because Sharing is Caring!